Quenya/Verbogen adjectieven: verschil tussen versies

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Versie van 10 okt 2006 14:00


adjectieven als substantief

In het Nederlands vertalen we dit door "een" of "de" voor de verbogen vorm van het adjectief te plaatsen:

laica "een slimme";    i laica "de slimme"
carnë "een rode";    i carnë "de rode"
hwarin "een scheve";    i hwarin "de scheve"

Deze adjectieven worden verbogen met de uitgangen van de substantieven:

laicar "slimmen";   carni "roden";   hwarindi "scheven"

Ook duaal en partitief meervoud zijn mogelijk:

laicat "een paar slimmen"   carnit "een paar roden";   i hwarindu "een paar scheven"
laicali "enkele slimmen";   carnili "enkele roden";   hwarindeli "enkele scheven"

Deze substantieven kunnen ook de andere naamvalsuitgangen krijgen, bvb.

laicaron (genitief meervoud);   carnillo (ablatief enkelvoud);   i hwarindun (datief duaal) ...

adjectives following the noun

When the adjective is put behind its noun, the rule of the last declinable word applies. This means that the adjective takes the case endings and the noun loses them:

coa carninna "to a red house" (allative)
coa carnillo "from a red house" (ablative)

In the plural the adjective has the plural case-endings and the noun is in the nominative plural:

coar carninnar "to red houses" (allative)

In the dual the adjective has the dual case-endings and the noun is in the nominative dual:

coat carnilto "from a pair of red houses" (ablative)

Note: adjectives only have t-duals even if they contain a d- or t-sound:

i aldu tiucatsë "in both thick trees" (locative)

The other types of words that are inflected in this way are:

Elendil Voronda "Elendil the Faithful"
Elendil Vorondan "to Elendil the Faithful" (dative)
Elendil Vorondallo "from Elendil the Faithful" (ablative)

But there are two cases in which this rule isn't followed:

  • When the noun is in the partitive plural, the case ending remains with the noun and the adjective has its original (plural) form:
coalissë carni "in some red houses" (locative)
  • The adjectives on –ëa only have a plural form and no other cases so the ending remains with the noun:
coanna laurëa "to a golden house" (allative)
coannar laurië "to golden houses" (allative)


A few remarks:

  • The forms of the plural can only be used when the adjective follows the noun, not when it is used as a noun. But in that case it follows the ordinary rules of Quenya Declension Paradigms.
  • Adjectives on -ëa cannot be inflected so they aren't included in these tables. They can be used as nouns but in that case they are inflected like the nouns ampa "hook" or alda "tree".
  • The partitive plural can only be used when the adjective is used as a noun so it isn't included in the table.

Adjectives on -a (but not -ëa) are inflected as follows (anda "long"):

singular plural dual
nominative anda andë andat
genitive ando andëon andato
possessive andava andeiva andatwa
dative andan andein andant
ablative andallo andellon(r) andalto
allative andanna andennar andanta
locative andassë andessen andatsë
instrumental andanen andeinen andanten
respective andas andeis andates

Adjectives on -ë are inflected as follows (ninquë "white"):

singular plural dual
nominative ninquë ninqui ninquit
genitive ninquio ninquion ninquito
possessive ninquiva ninquíva ninquitwa
dative ninquin ninquín ninquint
ablative ninquillo ninquillon(r) ninquilto
allative ninquinna ninquinnar ninquinta
locative ninquissë ninquissen ninquitsë
instrumental ninquinen ninquínen ninquinten
respective ninquis ninquís ninquites

Adjectives on -n are inflected as follows (melin "dear"):

singular plural dual
nominative melin melini/melindi melindet
genitive melindo melindion melindeto
possessive melinwa melindiva melindetwa
dative melinden melindin melindent
ablative melindello melindillon(r) melindelto
allative melindenna melindinnar melindenta
locative melindessë melindissen melindetsë
instrumental melindenen melindinen melindenten
respective melindes melindis melindetes

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