
 Deze module is nog in ontwikkeling (versie 0.0) en wordt getest.

De Module:Layout is bedoeld om snel, consistent en uitgebreid een pagina op te maken.
Er is een op de module afgestemde handleiding over deze onderwijswiki beschikbaar.

De module wordt geïnitialiseerd met de configuratie in Module:Layout/Production/Configuration.

Controleer op scriptfouten of opmaak notificaties.

local extract = {};

function extract.book_progress( book, call )
	local new_book = {};
	new_book.text = book;
	new_book.progress = "0";
    if book and book ~= "" then
    	book = mw.text.trim( book )
        local formatted_book = book:gsub(" ", " ")
    	local wiki_book =
    	if wiki_book then
	        local progress_parameters = extract.parameter( wiki_book:getContent(), call.message.TEMPLATENAME, call.message.PROGRESS.NAME, call )
            if progress_parameters[1] then 
            	new_book.progress = progress_parameters[1]:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1");
        new_book.text = mw.ustring.format('[[%s|%s]]', book, formatted_book);
    return new_book;

-- This function extracts the content of the page with the titlename.
function extract.content( call )
	local text = call.include( "text" );
	if not text.valid( call.source ) then return nil; end
    local title = call.source );
    if ( title == nil or title == '' ) then return nil; end
    return title:getContent();

-- This function extracts the level two headings out of the wikitext with the position as the key.
function extract.heading( wikitext, call )
	local text = call.include( "text" );
    if not text.valid( wikitext ) then return {}; end
    local lines = mw.text.split( wikitext, '\n' );
    local headings = {};
    for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
    	-- Check if the beginning of the line is ==.
		if ( line:match('^==') and not line:match('^===') ) then
            line = mw.text.trim( line, "\t\r\n\f " );
            -- Check if the end of the line is also == and there are no = in between.
            if string.sub( line, -2 ) == '==' and not string.find( string.sub( line, 3, -3 ) , "=" ) then 
	            line = line:gsub( "=", "" );
                line = mw.text.trim( line, "\t\r\n\f " );
            	table.insert( headings, line ); 
    return headings;

-- This functions get's the parameters of a template with the position as the key.
function extract.parameter( wikitext, templatename, parametername, call ) -- :table
	local text = call.include( "text" );
	if not text.valid( wikitext ) then return {}; end
	if not text.valid( templatename ) then return {}; end
	if parametername and not text.valid( parametername ) then return {}; end
	local template =  extract.template( wikitext, templatename, call );
    local result  = {};
    for i, sub_table in ipairs( template ) do
        for k, v in pairs( sub_table ) do
            if ( parametername and k == parametername ) or ( not parametername and type( k ) == "number" and k > 0 ) then
                table.insert( result, v );
    return result;

-- This function returns all templates of the given template_name out in the given wikitext in a table with the position (first, second) number as the key.
function extract.template( wikitext, template_name, call ) -- :table 
	local text, pattern, convert = call.include( "text", "pattern", "convert" );
	if not text.valid( wikitext ) then return {}; end
	if not text.valid( template_name ) then return {}; end
    local templates = {};
    local i = 1;  -- start index
    -- Find all templates in the wikitext by fist looking at matching brackets by the pattern '%b{}'.
    -- Not all machting brackets are templates or if so the template we are looking for.
    -- If the matsching brackets look like {{template_name}} or {{template+name|}} etcetera, which we catch with the '^{{' .. template_name .. '[^}]*}}$' pattern, we've got the template.
    wikitext = wikitext:gsub( 
    	function( matching_brackets )
	        -- Check if the template is the one we're interested in
--	        if matching_brackets:match('^{{' .. template_name .. '[^}]*}}$') 
            if pattern.template_definition_at_start_and_end( matching_brackets, template_name )
	            -- Add the template table to the list
	            templates[i] = convert.template_to_table( matching_brackets, template_name, call );
	            i = i + 1;
	        -- Return an empty string to replace the matching_brackets in the wikitext
	        return "";
    return templates;

return extract;
Informatie afkomstig van Wikibooks NL.
Wikibooks NL is onderdeel van de wikimediafoundation.