
 Deze module is nog in ontwikkeling (versie 0.0) en wordt getest.

De Module:Layout is bedoeld om snel, consistent en uitgebreid een pagina op te maken.
Er is een op de module afgestemde handleiding over deze onderwijswiki beschikbaar.

De module wordt geïnitialiseerd met de configuratie in Module:Layout/Production/Configuration.

Controleer op scriptfouten of opmaak notificaties.

Test bewerken

Deze module test Module:Layout/Production/Interface/Security

Yes All 4 tests are ok.


Code bewerken

local test = {}

local CFG        = require( "Module:Layout/Production/Configuration" );
local security   = CFG.INCLUDE( "production", "security" );
local unittest   = CFG.INCLUDE( "production", "unittest" );
local call       = CFG.INCLUDE( "production", "call" );
local private = {};

test = unittest:new();

function test.main( frame )
	return frame );

function test:test_security_authentication()
	call.message = {
            DEBUG = {
                INVOKER = "INVOKER",
            MISTAKE = {
    call.mistake  = {};
    call.template = "Template:Layout";
    call.invoker  = "Template:Layout";

    local result1 = security.authentication( call );
    test:assertEquals( "Template:Layout", result1.invoker,  "Invoker should be 'Template:Layout'" );
    test:assertEquals( "Template:Layout", result1.template, "Template should be 'Template:Layout'" );
    test:assertDeepEquals(            {}, result1.mistake,  "There should be no mistakes for call1" );

    call.mistake  = {};
    call.template = "Template:Layout";
    call.invoker  = "Template:Wrong";
    local result2 = security.authentication( call );

    test:assertEquals(               "Template:Wrong", result2.invoker,    "Invoker should be 'Template:Wrong'" );
    test:assertEquals(              "Template:Layout", result2.template,   "Template should be 'Template:Layout'" );
    test:assertDeepEquals( {"NO_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE",}, result2.mistake,    "Mistakes should be a table for call2" );
    test:assertEquals(                              1, #result2.mistake,   "There should be 1 mistake for call2" );
    test:assertEquals(        "NO_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE", result2.mistake[1], "The mistake for call2 should be 'NO_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE'" );

function test:test_security_declaration()
	call.init( CFG, "production" );
    -- Reset call object to a safe state before testing
    call.message = {
        MISTAKE = {
            WRONG = {
                INVOKE_PARAMETER = "Wrong invocation parameter '%s': '%s' with value '%s'"
    call.hook = {
        PARAMETER = {"valid_param1", "valid_param2"}
    call.named = {
        valid_param1 = "value1",
        valid_param2 = "value2",
        invalid_param = "value3"
    call.mistake = {};

    -- Test when there's an invalid parameter
    local result = security.declaration( call );
    test:assertEquals( 1, #result.mistake, "There should be 1 mistake" );
        string.format( call.message.MISTAKE.WRONG.INVOKE_PARAMETER, "invalid_param", "invalid_param", "value3" ),
        "The mistake should report the invalid parameter"

    -- Reset call object and test when all parameters are valid
    call.named = {
        valid_param1 = "value1",
        valid_param2 = "value2"
    call.mistake = {};

    local result_valid = security.declaration( call );
    test:assertEquals( 0, #result_valid.mistake, "There should be no mistakes for valid parameters" );

function test:test_security_frisk()
    call.hook = { PARAMETER = { "color", "format" } };
    call.named = {};
    call.named.format = "";
    call.message = {};
    call.message.HOOK = { FORMAT = { "Tekst", "HTML", "Koptekst", "Voettekst" }  };
    call.message.MISTAKE = {};
    call.message.MISTAKE.WRONG = {};
    call.message.MISTAKE.WRONG.COLOR = "Wrong color %s, %s, %s, %s, %s";
    call.message.MISTAKE.WRONG.FORMAT = "Wrong format %s, %s, %s";
    call.debugging = {};
    call.debugging[1] = "Init."; = {}; = "blue"; = "orange"; = "purple";    
    call.mistake = {};
    call.message.DEBUG = {
        VALUES_OK = "VALUES_OK",
    call.color  = "#FFFFFF";
    call.format = "HTML";

    local result = security.frisk( call );

    test:assertDeepEquals( {}, result.mistake, "There should be no mistakes for valid parameters" );
    test:assertEquals( "Init.<br><br>VALUES_OK", result.debugging[1], "Debug message should be initialized for valid parameters" );

    call.color  = "fgxg";
    call.format = "HTML";
    call.named.format = "HTML";
    call.mistake = {};
    call.debugging = {};
    call.debugging[1] = "Init.";
    result = security.frisk( call );

    test:assertEquals( 1, #result.mistake, "There should be 1 mistake for invalid parameter1" );
    test:assertEquals( "Wrong color fgxg, fgxg, blue, orange, purple<br><br>VALUE_MISTAKE", result.mistake[1], "The mistake should be 'INVALID_PARAMETER1'" );

    call.color  = "#FFFFFF";
    call.format = false;
    call.named.format = "HTML5";
    call.mistake = {};
    call.debugging = {};
    call.debugging[1] = "Init.";
    result = security.frisk( call );

    test:assertEquals( 1, #result.mistake, "There should be 1 mistake for invalid parameter2" );
    test:assertEquals( "Wrong format Html5, HTML5, Tekst, HTML, Koptekst, Voettekst<br><br>VALUE_MISTAKE", result.mistake[1], "The mistake should be 'INVALID_PARAMETER2'" );

    call.color  = "fgxg";
    call.format = false;
    call.named.format = "html";
    call.mistake = {};
    call.debugging = {};
    call.debugging[1] = "Init.";
    result = security.frisk( call );

    test:assertEquals( 2, #result.mistake, "There should be 2 mistakes for both invalid parameters" );
    test:assertEquals( "Wrong color fgxg, fgxg, blue, orange, purple", result.mistake[1], "The first mistake should be 'INVALID_PARAMETER1'" );
    test:assertEquals( "Wrong format Html, html, Tekst, HTML, Koptekst, Voettekst<br><br>VALUE_MISTAKES", result.mistake[2], "The second mistake should be 'INVALID_PARAMETER2'" );

function test:test_security_scan()
    call.init( CFG, "production" );
    call.hook = { PARAMETER = { "valid_param" } };

    call.color  = nil;
    call.format = nil;
     -- Reset call properties for the test
    call.named = {
        valid_param = "Some value",
        invalid_param = "Invalid value"
    call.message.TEMPLATENAME = "TestTemplate";
    call.message.HOOK = {
        PARAMETER = { "valid_param" }
    call.message.DEBUG = { CALLER = "", PARAMETER_MISTAKE = "Wrong parameter %s", PARAMETER_MISTAKES = "Wrong parameter %s" };
    call.message.MISTAKE = {
            WRONG = {
                TEMPLATE_PARAMETER = "Wrong parameter '%s': '%s' with value '%s' should be %s";
    call.named.format = nil;
    call.mistake = {};
    call.debugging = {};
    call.debugging[1] = "Init.";
    call.caller = {};
	local content = "{{TestTemplate|valid_param=Some value|invalid_param_scan=Invalid value}}"
    function call.caller:getContent()
	    -- Define the content to be returned by the getContent() function
	    return content

    -- Run the security.scan function
    local result1 = security.scan( call );

    -- Check if the security scan correctly detected the invalid parameter
    test:assertEquals( "Wrong parameter 'invalid_param_scan': 'invalid_param_scan' with value 'Invalid value' should be valid_param", result1.mistake[1], "The security scan should detect the invalid parameter" );

    -- Test case 2
    call.named = {
        valid_param = "Some value",
    call.mistake = {};

    content = "{{TestTemplate|valid_param=Some value}}";
    -- Run the security.scan function and check the result
    local result2 = security.scan( call );
    test:assertEquals(nil, result2.mistake[1], "The security scan should detect the invalid parameter for Test Case 2" );

    -- Test case 2
    call.named = {
        valid_param = "Some value",
        invalid_param2 = "Invalid value2"
    call.mistake = {}; -- Reset call.mistake
    function call.caller:getContent()
        return "{{TestTemplate|valid_param=Some value|invalid_param_scan1=Invalid value1|invalid_param_scan2=Invalid value2}}"

    -- Run the security.scan function and check the result
    local result2 = security.scan( call );
    test:assertEquals( "Wrong parameter 'invalid_param_scan1': 'invalid_param_scan1' with value 'Invalid value1' should be valid_param", result2.mistake[1], "The security scan should detect the invalid parameter for Test Case 2" );


return test;
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