Deze module is nog in ontwikkeling (versie 0.0) en wordt getest.
De Module:Layout is bedoeld om snel, consistent en uitgebreid een pagina op te maken.
Er is een op de module afgestemde handleiding over deze onderwijswiki beschikbaar.
De module wordt geïnitialiseerd met de configuratie in Module:Layout/Production/Configuration.
local chess = {};
function chess.main( call )
local response = "";
response = chess.wrapper( call );
return response;
function chess.wrapper( call )
local wrapper_chessboard = mw.html.create('div');
wrapper_chessboard:css( { float = 'left', width = '342px' } )
:css( 'text-align', 'center' );
if call.definition then
local boldText = mw.html.create('b')
:wikitext( call.definition )
wrapper_chessboard:wikitext( tostring( boldText ) );
wrapper_chessboard:node( chess.board( call ) );
local clearDiv = mw.html.create('div')
:css('clear', 'left');
wrapper_chessboard:node( clearDiv );
return wrapper_chessboard;
function chess.board( call )
local chessboard = mw.html.create( 'div' )
:css( 'border', '1px solid #b0b0b0' )
:css( 'background-color', '#f9f9f9' )
:css( 'padding-top', '6px' );
chessboard:node( chess.grid( call ) );
if call.description then
local html = mw.html.create('div')
:css('margin-left', '4px')
:css('margin-right', '4px')
:wikitext( call.description );
chessboard:node( html );
return chessboard;
function chess.files( letters )
local letters_row = mw.html.create('tr')
letters_row:css('vertical-align', 'middle')
:wikitext('[[File:Solid white.svg|18px|link=|alt=]]')
for file, letter in ipairs( letters ) do
:css('background-color', 'white')
:wikitext( letter)
:wikitext('[[File:Solid white.svg|18px|link=|alt=]]')
return letters_row;
function chess.grid( call )
local chessboard_grid = mw.html.create('table')
:attr('cellpadding', '0')
:attr('cellspacing', '0')
:css('border', '1px solid #b0b0b0')
:css('margin', 'auto');
-- All unnamed parameters contain information about the chessboard grid.
local letters = call.content.CHESS.LETTERS_WHITE;
if call.orientation == "black" then letters = call.content.CHESS.LETTERS_BLACK; end
chessboard_grid:node( chess.files( letters ) );
if call.orientation == "white" then
for i = 8, 1, -1 do
chessboard_grid:node( chess.rank( i, call.content.matrix[i], letters, call ) );
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
chessboard_grid:node( chess.rank( i, call.content.matrix[i], letters, call) );
-- Name the files by letters on the last row
chessboard_grid:node( chess.files( letters ) );
return chessboard_grid;
function chess.rank( number, ranksquares, letters, call )
if type( number ) ~= "number" or number < 1 or number > 8 then number = 1; end
if type( letters ) ~= "table" or #letters ~= 8 then letters = call.content.CHESS.LETTERS_WHITE; end
if not ( ranksquares and ranksquares.a and ranksquares.b and ranksquares.c and ranksquares.d and ranksquares.e and ranksquares.f and ranksquares.g and ranksquares.h ) then
ranksquares = call.content.CHESS.RANK;
local ranknumber = mw.html.create('td');
ranknumber:css('background-color', 'white');
ranknumber:css('text-align', 'center');
ranknumber:wikitext( number );
local rank = mw.html.create( 'tr' );
rank:css( 'vertical-align', 'middle' );
rank:node( ranknumber );
-- Tthe type function is used to check if the variable is a table.
-- The #var expression is used to check the length of the table, which should be 8.
-- The next function is used to check if there are any named parameters in the table, and should return nil if there are none.
for file, letter in ipairs( letters ) do
rank:node( chess.square( letter .. tostring( number ), ranksquares[ letter ], call ) );
rank:node( ranknumber );
return rank;
function chess.square( name, piece, call )
local file = string.sub( name, 1, 1 );
if file == nil or file:byte() < 97 or file:byte() > 104 then name = "a1"; end
local rank = tonumber( string.sub( name, 2, 2 ) );
if rank == nil or rank < 1 or rank > 8 then name = "a1"; end
-- Get the name of the piece if exists
local piece_description = call.message.CHESS.WITHOUT_A_PIECE;
if piece ~= "" and call.message.CHESS.ABBREVIATION[ piece ] ~= nil then piece_description = call.message.CHESS.WITH_A_PIECE .. call.message.CHESS.ABBREVIATION[ piece ]; end
-- Create the table cell element
local chessboard_square = mw.html.create('td')
:css( 'background-color', chess.square_color( name, call.color[2].shades[10], call.color[2].tints[7] ) )
:css( 'text-align', 'center' )
:wikitext( '[[File:Chess ' .. piece .. 't45.svg|26px|alt=' .. call.message.CHESS.SQUARE .. name .. piece_description .. ']]' );
return chessboard_square;
function chess.square_color( name, black, white ) -- : string
-- Get the file and rank numbers from the square_name
local file = string.sub( name, 1, 1 );
if file == nil then return white; end
local rank = tonumber( string.sub( name, 2, 2 ) );
if rank == nil or rank < 1 or rank > 8 then return white; end
-- Check if the square is on a white or black square
if ( (file == 'a' or file == 'c' or file == 'e' or file == 'g') and (rank % 2 == 1) ) or
( (file == 'b' or file == 'd' or file == 'f' or file == 'h') and (rank % 2 == 0) )
return black;
return white;
return chess;