Netwerkbeheer/Besturingssystemen/Ubuntu Server/Installeren van Ubuntu Server
- Insert your Ubuntu install CD into your system and boot from it.
- Select your language:
- Then select Install Ubuntu Server:
- Choose your language again (?):
- Then select your location:
- Choose a keyboard layout (you will be asked to press a few keys, and the installer will try to detect your keyboard layout based on the keys you pressed):
- The installer checks the installation CD, your hardware, and configures the network with DHCP if there is a DHCP server in the network:
- Enter the hostname. In this example, my system is called, so I enter server1:
- Please check if the installer detected your time zone correctly. If so, select Yes, otherwise No:
- Now you have to partition your hard disk. For simplicity's sake I select Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM - this will create one volume group with two logical volumes, one for the / file system and another one for swap (of course, the partitioning is totally up to you - if you know what you're doing, you can also set up your partitions manually).
Select the disk that you want to partition: When you're asked Write the changes to disks and configure LVM?, select Yes: If you have selected Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM, the partitioner will create one big volume group that uses all the disk space. You can now specify how much of that disk space should be used by the logical volumes for / and swap. It makes sense to leave some space unused so that you can later on expand your existing logical volumes or create new ones - this gives you more flexibility. When you're finished, hit Yes when you're asked Write the changes to disks?:
- Afterwards, your new partitions are being created and formatted:
- Now the base system is being installed:
- Create a user, for example the user Administrator with the user name administrator (don't use the user name admin as it is a reserved name on Ubuntu 10.10):
- I don't need an encrypted private directory, so I choose No here:
- Next the package manager apt gets configured. Leave the HTTP proxy line empty unless you're using a proxy server to connect to the Internet:
I'm a little bit old-fashioned and like to update my servers manually to have more control, therefore I select No automatic updates. Of course, it's up to you what you select here: We need a DNS, mail, and LAMP server, but nevertheless I don't select any of them now because I like to have full control over what gets installed on my system. We will install the needed packages manually later on. The only item I select here is OpenSSH server so that I can immediately connect to the system with an SSH client such as PuTTY after the installation has finished:
- The installation continues:
- The GRUB boot loader gets installed:
Select Yes when you are asked Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?: The base system installation is now finished. Remove the installation CD from the CD drive and hit Continue to reboot the system: On to the next step...
- Na het instellen van de proxy en het configureren van apt, moet je kiezen hoe je de server wilt voorzien van updates. Kies voor geen automatische updates. Zo hoef je bij het practicum niet te wachten op het downloaden van updates. Bij een server in de praktijk installeer je altijd updates.
- Gebruik voor je servernaam de eerste vier letters van je voornaam, gevolgd door 01. Iemand met de naam Piet Paaltjes heeft bijvoorbeeld servernaam piet01.