Wikibooks:Wachtruimte/Vroegmodern Engels
(Doorverwezen vanaf Vroegmodern Engels)
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De geschiedenis van de Engelse taal
bewerkenZie History of the English language (Engelstalig artikel)
- Angelsaksisch (Oudengels)
- ca. 400-ca.1100
- Beowulf:
- ...oretmecgas æfter æþelum frægn: "Hwanon ferigeað fætte scyldas, græge sircan ond grimhelmas, heresceafta heap?..."
- Beowulf:
- ca. 400-ca.1100
- Middelengels
- ca. 1100-ca.1500
- The Canterbury Tales:
- Whilom, as olde stories tellen us, there was a duke that highte Theseus. Of Athens he was lord and governor, and in his time such a conqueror, that greater was there none under the sun.
- The Canterbury Tales:
- ca. 1100-ca.1500
- Vroegmodern Engels
- ca. 1500-ca. 1700
- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet:
- 'T is well thou art not fish; if thou hadst, thou hadst been poor John.
- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet:
- ca. 1500-ca. 1700
- Modern Engels
- ca. 1700-heden
- H.G. Wells, the war of the worlds
- No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own...
- H.G. Wells, the war of the worlds
- ca. 1700-heden
De inhoud van dit leerboek
bewerken- Grammatica:
- Woordenschat:
- Lessen: